Sunday, May 16, 2010

Thinning the Herd

I was watching an episode of Fringe tonight and one of the scenes got me thinking. Dr. Walter Bishop was up to his usual antics, this time in a grocery store. He was looking at the ingredients in a box of toaster pastries and became completely unhinged when he saw how many ingredients in the sweet snacks could potentially kill you with high enough doses (If you don't watch Fringe, the guy is a genius, he knows his lethal chemicals). He started screaming about how the grocery store was trying to kill everyone and how the ingredients in said pastries could give a person cancer.

Maybe it was due to the conspiracy-laden theme of the show, but I had a thought. Why does the FDA allow so many dangerous substances in our food? Why are things like cigarettes and energy drinks legal? Why does the medical industry work so hard to improve our lifespans while it seems like other administrations have no problem with us killing ourselves slowly?

I'm not a crazy conspiracy theorist (well OK, I'm not a conspiracy theorist anyways), but what if its all about population control? We are a pretty overpopulated species. What if the FDA and the world governments allow all that crap in food as well as cigarettes and other unhealthy things because they know it will keep the population in check? It even goes further if you consider how many diseases there are no cures for. Maybe there have been cures but they've been covered up. Think about it: If science and medicine could cure EVERYTHING and if the FDA made more stringent regulations that kept us all healthier, there'd be way too many people! We'd be bumping into each other everywhere we went, and worse we'd spread to every available inch of the planet that was sustainable...only it wouldn't be sustainable for long because we would ruin it all. I'm no environmental hippy/liberal, its just a fact that we fuck everything up.

So, under the guise of "free choice" we are allowed to eat fast food and snacks that have ingredients most people can barely pronounce, smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol. All the while we're killing ourselves so that we don't overpopulate the planet. I don't know, just something to think about.

...and as a smoker and snacker, you're welcome for me doing my part to keep the population under control. Take up a bad habit now and help your fellow humans!

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